Ok, for those of you that needed a more clearly written pattern. Here's what I'm going to do. This is how I make my basic hoods. Making the tassel is up to you.
You will need:
J Hook
K Hook
Caron Simply Soft, worked double stranded. Maybe 3 or 4 skeins. I used scraps for this photo tutorial. But I normally do 1 main color (need 3 skeins for that) and 1 contrasting color (one skein for that).
With J Hook and 2 strands of Caron Simply Soft:
Row 1: 12 Double Crochet in a ring. You can either; chain 4 and do 11 DCs in the last chain or, as I do it, make a magic ring then chain this way. That will count as your first DC, make 11 more.
At the beginning of each round and row, you can either chain 3 or do the single crochet chain from the video. Either way counts as first DC throughout. When you end your round, you can either; slip stitch in the beginning chain, or, as I do it, I do the single crochet thing from the video right to the beginning single crochet thing. I do not slip stitch, this will leave no holes in your
Row 2: 2 DC in each DC around. (24 DCs)
Row 3: *DC in 1 DC, 2DC in next DC* all around (36 DCs)
Row 4: *DC in 2, 2 DC in next* around (48 DCs)
Row 5: *DC in 3, 2 DC in next* around (60 DCs)
Row 6: *DC in 4, 2 DC in next (72 DCs)
Row 7: *DC in 5, 2 DC in next* around (84 DCs)
Row 8: *DC in 6, 2DC in next* around (96 DCs)
Row 9: *DC in 7, 2DC in next* around (108 DCs)
Row 10: *DC in 8, 2DC in next* around (120 DCs)
Your circle should look like this and measure about 13 inches:

At this point, I stop to weave in the ends of the circle. My secret is that I leave long tails, I sew them through the stitches as far around as I can. Then I pull the yarn very tight, so it scrunches up my work. I then cut it, so the yarn isn't all frayed. Then I dab some clear nail polish on the end, wait for it to get a bit tacky, then I straighten out the scrunch. This pulls your end back in and the tacky nail polish will adhere it between the stitches. You DON'T have to do this, I'm just sharing my little trick in case you want to do it too.
*I am currently working on another hooded scarf, so more pics are on the way*
Rows 11 - 15: Work even (120 DCs)
Shown here in white, about 3 inches:

Row 16: Dc in 6, (1DC in next DC, DC2Tog) 6xs, DC in 42, (DC2TOG, 1DC in next) 6xs, DC in remaining 36 (108 DCs)
Row 17: 1DC in 80, TURN (80 DCs)
Rows 18 - 22: Work even (80 DCs)
Row 23: 1 DC in 6, DC2TOG, (1DC in 4, DC2TOG) 11xs, 1DC in last 6 (68 DCs) 12 Decreases. Do not end off
The hood in the pic is 2 rows short, I ran out of scraps, but I hope it's enough to help you out. The red part, the part down in rows, should measure about 4.5 inches.

A note about what you are seeing here in this picture. You are looking at the hood right side up. The circle we began with (in that light blue color) will be at the back of your head. The red stitches are the opening for your face. The end rows of the red, at the bottom of the picture, are where the scarf will be worked, and then continue along those yellow stitches.
That ends the hood. Don't end off your color yet. Now, you can go in and weave in any more ends you have. But don't touch the working yarn, we are not done with it yet.
That ends the hood. Don't end off your color yet. Now, you can go in and weave in any more ends you have. But don't touch the working yarn, we are not done with it yet.
With K Hook, at the very last DC of the hood, chain 50 - 60 or however many stitches you want for the scarf. Then, take some scrap yarn of the same color and do the same to the first DC of that row. Now, I prefer to work the scarf on the wrong side of the hood, I do this because when I wear it, I fold the scarf into the hood and tie it. This leaves the hood to drape better.
Then work those chains with your K Hook. I use DC, picking up stitches along the sides (red in the pic) and then the 27 skipped stitches (gold in the pic), working around the other side (more red in the pic), and then your other chain of 50 or 60. If you want your scarf to be fringed, I would suggest leaving a tail long enough when you begin, and long enough when you end off. You can also begin and end each row and leave tails for fringe. That is how I do it. It makes it easier to know where to put my fringe. And, you don't have to weave in any ends.
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